About HomeFlex
New website for HomeFlex
New website for HomeFlex
The new HomeFlex website is live from today! This easy-to-navigate website allows you to find the information you need quickly. This includes information about renting our homes, as well as information about letting out accommodation to HomeFlex. We also explain the HomeFlex concept to local residents and local and national government. And of course, it is possible to contact HomeFlex in several ways.
Residents, tenants, landlords and local residents can always contact us if they have questions or problems. In the case of emergencies outside office hours, we can be reached via an emergency number. In addition, our extensive FAQ page answers the most frequently asked questions.
Seen a mistake?
Of course, it may be that you discover a mistake on our website. While we have extensively tested the website, it may still be that a link doesn`t work or that information is missing. Please let us know! We would be very pleased to hear. You may of course also contact us via our contact form.